Winter skin rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation treatments to try this Winter.

With a low UV and a reason to cover up, some skin rejuvenation, anti-ageing and laser treatments are best undertaken during the cooler months.

If there’s ever a time to bunker down, indulge in a medical grade facial treatment and allow the skin to heal, it’s during the winter.

A medical skin clinic, such as Australian Skin Face Body, typically focuses on providing medical grade treatments to correct a variety of skin conditions. The focus is on providing lasting improvements to the skin and achieve results for conditions such as wrinkles, pigmentation, sun-damage, acne, scarring, volume loss, redness, and rosacea.

Australian Skin Face Body believes in science-based technologies and the latest, innovative medical grade lasers are specifically chosen by plastic surgeon and founder of ASFB Clinics, Mr Ian Holten. Treatments are performed by tertiary educated dermal clinicians or nurse practitioners in a comfortable, caring environment.

Medical skin treatments to try during the cooler months include:

Chemical Peels:  Salicylic or glycolic acid medical grade peels remove a build-up of dead skin cells and clogged pores and a peel is often combined with LED therapy to accelerate the growth of new and youthful appearing skin cells. Peels are tailored just for you.

Deep exfoliating TCA peels, which require avoidance of sun exposure are ideal during winter. TCA peels are more potent than salicylic or glycolic acid peels and can affect two layers of the skin, the epidermis, and the dermis. TCA peels can be good at minimising the appearance of pores and uneven texture, reducing hyperpigmentation, and stimulating new collagen production which may smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

The Cosmo Forte Peel is an ideal treatment during winter. 

PICO genesis: targets enlarged pores, uneven skin texture, hyperpigmentation and can manage stubborn melasma. The unique feature of the PICO laser is its ability to provide ultra-short pulses that shatter pigment and stimulate remodelling in the skin’s upper layers.

Excel V+:  the latest laser for vascular and pigmentation can be used to treat surface veins, broken capillaries, tiny blood-filled blisters even facial redness including rosacea.  The excel® V+ laser works by administering a unique high power green laser that is absorbed by the abnormal blood vessels in the skin. The laser heats the abnormal vessels causing the vein walls to collapse and seal shut.

Skin resurfacing: ablative Fractional CO2 DOT therapy produces noticeable, long-lasting results. ‘DOTS’ of laser energy penetrate the skin stimulating the body’s natural collagen production resulting in a more even appearance. There is some downtime with ablative laser treatments and you may experience some mild swelling and redness and peeling and flaking of the old skin. You need to give your body time to heal naturally, making Winter the perfect time for recovery.

INFINI: micro needling with radio frequency stimulates new collagen to improve the appearance of and gently tighten the skin. INFINI is used for reducing enlarged pores, scar revision, neck rejuvenation and non-surgical eye lifts.

Fillers: Dermal fillers and an anti-wrinkle injections allow for immediate correction of wrinkles and loss of volume in the face, producing a subtle, natural result, boosting the results of your proactive anti-aging skin care routine.

Everyone’s skin is unique and results vary among patients so it is important to find out what results are realistically achievable for you. The treatment that will best address concerns is determined after a consultation with an experienced, university qualified ASFB dermal clinician.

Is it time to up the anti with a medical grade facial treatment this winter?

Contact us to book your appointment today!

*individual results may vary